Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Party like Pirates.....

So Ryder docked the 3-year-old ship and set out for 4-year-old waters, in complete pirate style.
If there is anything Katie can do, it is throw a party. Whether it be my bachelorette party, which thanks to her and some amazing friends rocked, or a kid’s birthday party, she can make it over the top, fabulous.
We had shrimp, fish and chips, pirate cake, and a treasure chest full of mud pudding and doubloons. Lots of family and friends, some pirate flags and good presents, and we had ourselves a par-tay. Plus, it was LuLu's fourth birthday too (just add a 2 in front), so we got to double up on the celebrating! 
The good times got cut short for Rusty and Brandon, although they did stay out all night like rock stars. Unfortunately it was spent fighting the fire. Burned a couple of sections on Day Ranch, but was more than 15 miles long all-in-all. Not cool, literally and metaphorically.
Our guys got in a little before 4:00am Sunday morning and said all the cattle, barns and such were fine, but it still throws a kink in where stuff will be moved once the wheat is ate down, which is in less than a month. As Rusty says…..always someth’n.
 Coolest pirates ever.

Forget presents, we have bubble wrap!!

Riggs had to check out big brother's loot.

LuLu's side of the cake.

Ryder's side.

The grub.

The books became way cooler at bed time.

Bestest present ever.

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