Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Help....

My definition of a great movie is one that makes you laugh, cry, feel sad, feel happy, and leaves you walking away with a good, warm feeling in your heart. The Help is just that kind of movie. I wish I would’ve read the book, but of course, I didn’t. I’m sure it is even more amazing. Thankfully, though, for people like me who do not read as much as I should, they make good movies like this.
It was refreshing to flee the completely ridiculous and obnoxious reality shows that now consume television and enter into a screen of true reality. Although it was based decades ago, it hits home on the life lessons that ring true to this day, and everyday from now on. Where the main characters are not rich brats famous for their false looks and immaturity, but rather hard-working women with common sense and hearts of gold.  
It tells of friendship, family and the importance of the truth, all that seem to be easily looked over by common day television, and unfortunately, many common day people. The main thing, however, is that this movie leaves you wanting to be good. Good to your momma, good to your friends, good to your waiter at Chili’s, good to the lady checking you out at Wal-Mart, just plain good in general. So go see it! It’ll do ya good.

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