Monday, July 11, 2011

Love & Marriage..............

Well, we made it. 365 days and we are still happily married. Brandon and I spent the day working outside, doing a little laundry, ate lunch at Rosa’s, and went to Wal-Mart. It was extravagant.
To tell ya the truth, I actually wouldn’t have had it any other way. (Ok, so that’s kinda a lie. I wouldn’t mind being on a Jamaican Beach as I was this time last year). But still, I consider us to be pretty real, and you don’t get any realer than Wal-Mart.
Besides, we did have a pretty great little get-away last weekend and we got to spend our anniversary-eve celebrating the engagement of some great friends with lots of other great friends, and nothing puts you in a more lovable mood than being around ones in love. Plus Brandon got to fit some good calves Saturday, which always puts him in a good mood.
On top of that, our wedding cake (shout out here to Theresa Long, mother of those 'oh so cute!' Long boys, who baked it) was SO good! I sat it out of the freezer Saturday night and ate it for breakfast (and pretty much snacked on it all throughout the day) Sunday. There was a piece left when I left this morning, but I’m guessing it will be long gone by the time I get back home, whenever that will be.
I have an interview with a vegetable farmer in the LBK tomorrow so I’m staying with LuLu tonight, Katie’s taking bridal pics of the lovely Kalli Poole today, girls’ night party at Katie’s house tomorrow, Rusty’s 31st birthday party (because remember, you never outgrow birthday parties in our family) Wednesday night, taking promotional pics of a bull in Post Thursday, and start our weekend of Glaze Family Reunion with a cookout at Mom & Dad’s Friday night. Whew, so jammed packed week and lots of picture taking opportunities. So keep in touch, there’s surely to be something on here soon to make you smile.
Now then, I would like to share two things with you. One is some bridal pics taken of the beautiful Mrs. Erica Gardner. The other is a short list of things I have learned in my little one year of marriage. I am sure all you more seasoned married ladies out there can expand upon it, and feel free to comment and do so. I’d love to hear what you have to say. I usually vent to my Momma about these things, especially when I was first getting adjusted to taking care of a man, most of which she simply replied, “Well, I hate to tell ya, sweetie, but it doesn’t get much better.”  Great.
1)      No matter where you set the dirty clothes hamper, his dirty clothes will always miss it by at least 6 inches.
2)      Setting his dishes in the sink is considered to him “cleaning up the dishes.”
3)      Although he drives right by a grocery store every day and I do not, it will never cross his mind that HE could stop and get that gallon of milk or Hershey’s syrup he so desperately must have.
4)      No matter how many or how cute of coasters is on the end table of his side of the couch, his cup will never make it on it.
5)      His socks will never be turned right side out when I fold them.
6)      No matter how well I try to disguise them in nifty plastic containers, he will never eat off-brand Rice Crispies. (yes, I am a tight-wad. Ask anyone)
7)      I will always take a jacket or blanket with us on road trips. Yes, it may be 106 outside, but it is 55 in the truck. And he will never get that.
8)       No matter how much I complain about the expense or grossness, he is still going to chew tobacco. (this one I still have hope for)
9)      When it comes to hunting, many accessories are needed and required.
10)   And last but not least. He is always going to say whatever the heck is on his mind, because well, that’s just Brandon. And I love him.

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