Monday, February 21, 2011

And Let the Bidding Begin!

So here we are again. Our busiest time of the year. For some people it is Christmas, for is sale/show season. It is, with absolutely no exaggeration, pull-your-hair-out-hectic around here. However, since Katie and I both spend a great deal more on our cuts and highlights than our husbands find necessary, we have decided to instead throw it all up in a ponytail and just go with it.

Unfortuneately, my sister has it worse this year than ever. While we were at the Fort Worth Stock Show watching somewhere around class 8 on Friday, she got the wonderful news that her pipes, which run through her ceiling, had busted and half her house was flooded. Joy. So she now has her entire house shoved into about half of the total space. Somewhat crowded, but if you look on the bright side it is great for multi-tasking. Afterall, she can work on her computer, grab some stuff out of the freezer or the refrigerator, and put it in any bowl of her choice that she wishes to choose from the stacks that once filled her hutch. So you see, it is only a bad situation if you wish to look at it that way.

I suppose it seemed a little more crowded this weekend since there were eleven people trying to eat lunch at once. There is always a large crew helping out sale week which get fed a good lunch in hopes that it will somehow bribe them into washing fifteen more babies after lunch and, with a little added luck, maybe even show up the following morning to wash whatever calves they had cleaned up, turned out, got dirty, and needed washing again.

So while the usual is for everyone to sit around the table in the dining room, which as I mentioned earlier is now occupied by a standup freezer, fridge, computer, desk, several chairs and numerous serving dishes, this weekend was more of a 'fix your plate and find an open spot' type of deal. Not that anybody cared, as long as there is good food and good company it don't make any difference to our crew.

After whipping up some mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, throwing together a salad and gettting out the meatloaf Katie had prepared earlier, I got the first wave of people in with their plates fixed and had the second crew coming in right on their heels. Katie and Rusty went through the baby pictures (of the sale calves, I don't think they actually sit there and ooh and awe over there own kids pictures like that) and after careful examination they decided what was web site worthy. She then slapped on a jump drive a couple of the files needed to design several Showbox Magazine ads that were due by last night, and Brandon and I were on our way back to Tarzan.

A couple hours on the couch with my laptop and my husband (paying little attention to the later, sorry babe), in bed a little after ten, back up a little before five, good kick-boxing workout, and here I was in my Lubbock office by 8:00am doing the job that pays the bills and supplies benefits. After some more barn and picture time, Katie got her kiddos tended to, both the three-year-old and 8 month old, as well as Bradley who never can make up his mind on his ad. She got Ryder and Riggin fed and to bed. Got them back up, fed, loaded in the car, and to tumbling, before heading to the grocery store to pick up her supplies to feed what would be the equivelant to a family of fifteen for the next week. Tonight's my night to stay with her, so it will be bubble baths with the boys, probably a little work on some website updates and another day in the Lubbock office for me tomorrow before heading back to Tarzan and becoming a morning computer geek and afternoon washrack hand. Dad's Hereford sale and Day's steer sale are both this weekend so we are all wearing a variety of hats, and loving every bit of it. Afterall, the way I see it is, if we're all going to have to wear these crazy hats, we might as well bedazzle those babies out and make it a party.

This is part of Day Ranch Wash Rack Crew
(heaven help us)

Mom with all her favorite babies.

Ryder helping out.

Our extremely attractive fitting crew.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that y'all are doing this! I'm so glad I'm part of the current events taking place at the Ranch!
